» An American doctor, Dr. Jarvis, popularized the use of cider vinegar as a remedy. Feel free to discover and use this old remedy known to our ancestors.

    The vinegar can be consumed daily as a preventive measure to try to maintain health in a very refreshing drink prepared by mixing two tablespoons of cider vinegar (preferably pure craft and non-pasteurized) in a large glass of water (with possibly one or two tablespoons of honey).

    Through its wealth of trace elements (calcium, sulfur, iron, silicon, boron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, fluoride ...) and pectin, vitamins, half a dozen vitamins including B and D and essential acids in enzymes and essential amino acids, the cider vinegar deserves the appellation of "elixir of youth." Scientists increasingly believe that cider vinegar can help to assist and accelerate the healing process. The vinegar also promotes the absorption of calcium. It also contains beta-carotene into vitamin A rich antioxidant.

    Pure vinegar promotes cleansing of the body and elimination of toxins due to its acidity, it destroys the bad bacteria, absorbs the excess of stomach acids, regenerates the intestinal flora, the fight against constipation, combat flatulence and helps eliminate food poisoning. It is also stimulating the appetite and helps digestion. It cleanses the urinary tract and reduces the risk of kidney infection. The ideal is to drink ½ hour before meals to aid digestion, during the meal to eliminate heartburn at bedtime or to dispel constipation.

    It helps stabilize blood pressure and balance the pH of the blood.

    By destroying the fat, it helps to weight loss.

   It relieves muscle cramps. It is used in a gargle (2 tsp cider vinegar in 1 / 3 cup warm water) and against mouth inflammations and sore throats.

   Inhalation (2 to 3 Tbsp cider vinegar in a bowl of boiling water), he fought and migraine headaches.

    It is also used against the heat of menopause, varicose veins, shingles ...

    Taken at bedtime, the vinegar acts as a mild sedative against nervousness.

    The vinegar should be consumed without exaggeration so as not to cause heartburn and fatigue liver. Excessive consumption of vinegar on an empty stomach can cause stomach problems. This fluid helps relieve small evils of everyday life and is used for its therapeutic properties (sometimes with added fragrance or medicinal substances) as a disinfectant (it is a natural antibiotic), it helps heal wounds and minor burns. It is also antiseptic and antifungal. Vinegar is also used in external use against eczema, hives, to treat sunburn, etc ... A cloth soaked in vinegar used to rub the painful area and reduce muscle pain (with or without hot water and salt).

    Take a bath of water plus a glass of vinegar for 15 to 20 minutes, promotes sleep and relaxation.

    Mothers vinegar are useful as patches on the strains, sprains or burns.

    Vinegar is also used to treat animals.
Here is what it is established that:

    It contributes to the functioning of our digestive system by increasing its enzymes,
it destroys bacteria and absorbs the excess acid from the stomach.
It is excellent against the heartburn, spasms and 'references'.
It helps slow digestion you avoid food poisoning.
It helps solve problems spasms and intestinal gas.
It helps the renewal of the intestinal flora.
To help your constipation problems, take it at bedtime.
For heartburn stomach, take it during meals.
The pure cider vinegar consumption in moderate doses does not cause burns or ulcers and.
If you take a small teaspoon of cider vinegar every day to avoid the risk of urinary tract infection ..

    It promotes the normal pH of blood, it helps blood circulation by cleaning and removing various pollutants and toxins.
It is anti-cholesterol. It facilitates the metabolism of sugars. It balances the acidity level of the body, it gives good results in treatment against gout.
It helps stabilize blood pressure too high or too low.

    Rich in potassium, it is beneficial for relieving muscle cramps.
if you suffer from arthritis, it helps to dissolve calcium deposits and promotes their elimination.
It is also recommended for: I'arthrose, limestone I'épine heel, bursitis, tendonitis,
the lithisase (calculated kidney and gallbladder)
The cider vinegar can play an important role in the pain of arthritis because it promotes a softening and removal of crystals (chondrocalcinosis)
It can also help slow the progression of this disease.
To obtain a more timely on a painful area, apply warm salt water to salt Guérande on the affected area and rub in the future with cider vinegar.
It is used in external application for muscle pain, inflammation, sprains or muscle congestion.
Warm the painful area with a cloth soaked in hot water with added salt and rub with cider vinegar.
Vinegar has virtues, but it does in any location where the advice of a doctor if you are ill, preferably visit.